Raisi’s government breaks an 80-year inflation record
The Hammihan newspaper has written that one year has passed since Raisi’s 10-point plan to control inflation, and now the release of the inflation list by the Central Bank shows that the thirteenth government not only has not succeeded in controlling inflation but has also broken the 80-year record of inflation rate, raising it to over 52 percent. According to this newspaper’s report, Raisi’s government’s record is unprecedented since 1943. The report states that the previous inflation record holder was Hashemi Rafsanjani’s government with 49.4 percent. The only common factor between the inflation during Rafsanjani’s era and the inflation in 1942 and 1943 was the post-war conditions. In the mentioned cases, the aftermath of the eight-year Iran-Iraq war and World War II, and the occupation of Iran by the Allies, were influential. Hammihan also points out that the current statistics presented are derived from the table announced by the Central Bank, and these statistics depict the record-breaking situation. In the Central Bank’s table, the base year is 2016, while it has been changed to 2021, according to which the government officials emphasize that the inflation rate is less than 52 percent.