Reaction of the Rafsanjan representative to the Qom incident: that cleric felt obligated and took a photo
Hossein Jalali, representative of Rafsanjan and a member of the Cultural Commission of the Islamic Consultative Assembly, regarding the incident in Qom centered around the promotion of virtue, told the Jamaran reporter that when we speak of promoting virtue and preventing vice, we are mentioning one of the duties of a Muslim. Our duty is to advise for good, and if we observe a mistake by a citizen or fellow townsman, we must give them a reminder.
They say direct reminders cause tension and challenges. The law states that if someone reports a legal violation, it should be documented, and this gentleman felt obligated to take a photo to refer it to the relevant authorities. The lady got upset because she was unaware of the laws.
He added that we cannot sacrifice the country’s interests for polarization. Now the law determines that polarization should turn into unity, and we must comply with it.