Reaction of the Assembly of Experts to Mir Hossein’s recent statement
Recently, in the introduction to the Arabic translation of the Green Movement’s statements, a sharp reaction was made to the possibility of Mojtaba Khamenei’s succession, stating that if it is a monarchy, say so.
Now, at the end of its tenth official session in the fifth term, the Assembly of Experts has issued a statement declaring the spreading of doubts about the future leadership as meaningless.
Part of the Assembly of Experts’ statement reads
The Guardianship of the Islamic Jurist and leadership of the Islamic community, which are factors in the occurrence and survival of the Islamic Revolution and system, and are among the fundamental principles of the constitution, with practical commitment to them being the most obvious indicators of jurisprudence and lawfulness, are symbols of the greatness of independence and national unity in Islamic Iran. Undoubtedly, the achievement of great advancements in various scientific, technological, industrial, and defensive fields in today’s Islamic Republic of Iran is due to the leadership and guidance of a just, wise, and prudent jurist at the head of this divine system. The enemies of the Islamic Revolution, understanding this reality, have always, from the victory of the revolution, engaged in various conspiracies and tactics to confront the principles and foundations of the Guardianship of the Islamic Jurist and the leader of the Islamic Revolution, and have sought to weaken this great position. Meanwhile, the Muslim people of Iran, with awareness and vigilance, will thwart the sinister plans of global arrogance and their agents, while defending the progressive principle of the Guardianship of the Islamic Jurist and the leadership of the Islamic Revolution. This strong pillar will not be weakened by malicious doubts and fueling some baseless atmospheres. The Assembly of Experts, as the trustees of the nation, according to its inherent legal and religious duty, considers the spreading of doubts meaningless and declares that the history of this esteemed assembly shows attention to merit-based selection and choosing the most qualified.