Representative of Rafsanjan’s reaction to the incident in Qom, Rouhani feels responsible and has taken a picture.
Hossein Jalali, representative of Rafsanjan and member of the Cultural Commission of the Islamic Consultative Assembly, talked to Jamaran reporter about the recent conflict in Qom centered around enjoining good and forbidding wrong. He said when we talk about enjoining good and forbidding wrong, we are referring to the obligations of a Muslim individual. Our duty is to promote goodness, and if we notice a mistake by a citizen or fellow citizen, we should advise them.
It is said that direct advice leads to tension and challenge. It is stated in the law that anyone who witnesses a legal violation should report it. This gentleman also felt responsible and took a picture to refer it to the relevant authorities. The lady also got upset because she was unaware of the laws.
He added that we cannot sacrifice the country’s interests for the sake of two poles. Now the law determines that two poles should be transformed into one pole, and we must support that.