Reuters reported that two days before the fire at Evin, anti-riot forces were present in the prison.
In an exclusive report, Reuters stated that two days prior to the fire at Evin, an anti-riot police unit entered the prison compound and began patrolling the corridors, creating a tense atmosphere by shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ and banging batons on cell doors. Reuters, which spoke to 8 prisoners, relatives of prisoners, and a human rights activist for this report, added that the patrolling began without any apparent provocation from the prisoners. These patrols continued from Thursday to Saturday, ultimately leading to prisoners chanting harsh slogans against the Islamic Republic and Ali Khamenei. A prisoner from Ward 8, which mostly houses inmates convicted of financial crimes, told Reuters, ‘We suddenly heard gunfire and then the chant ‘Death to Khamenei’ from prisoners in other wards.’