Rouhani: Sometimes not voting in elections is a form of voting
Hassan Rouhani said the notion that a minority can govern and we can preserve the country, the system, and Islam with it has shown its undesirable results.
If by stepping aside, God forbid, this system suffers an irreparable damage, what answer do we have? If we step aside, do people become hopeful or do they become hopeless?
What I feel is that with the registration of people like me, some, even if not many, have become hopeful and said maybe the Guardian Council will create a better atmosphere, and the election officials might act on the Supreme Leader’s advice about making the elections competitive.
Corona and Trump were the unique problems of our time, which do not exist today and may not exist in the future. On the other hand, all branches of power, the national media, platforms, and institutions are aligned with the current government, whereas we did not have such conditions.