Sahar Zakaria announced her ban from activity on Instagram.
In a post she published on her account on Sunday, April 8, she wrote, ‘Friends, from today for six months, I will not have the right to post any stories or posts.’
She has not explained the reasons for this.
Simultaneously with the publication of this post, Danial Moghadam, an actor and singer, shared a music video of the actress on his Instagram page, announcing that he, along with Sahar Zakaria and Saba Kamali, has been summoned again to the Culture and Media Prosecutor’s Office for the execution of sentences.
These three artists were also summoned to the Culture and Media Prosecutor’s Office last year on November 27, following the release of the song ‘Hoori’ on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, on charges of inciting corruption and prostitution.