University Security: Management of Camera Installation at Tarbiat Modares University
The widespread installation of surveillance cameras at Tarbiat Modares University is a phenomenon that is currently more prominent in the minds and views of the university’s students than anything else. In addition to the increased number of security guards at the north and south entrances of the university, some of these individuals recently added to the campus are no older than 25 years. A security post has been placed approximately in the middle of the university courtyard, between the central library building and the girls’ cafeteria. There are two card readers where each student is required to present their student card for identification to enter and exit. If the device recognizes the student as banned, it prevents their entry.
However, these strict security measures do not end there. At the entrance to the boys’ cafeteria, a security officer is on duty every day from 11 AM to 2:30 PM, monitoring the boys’ dining situation.
Farhad Daneshjoo and his companions have also organized foot patrols that continuously and openly roam everywhere, constantly on the lookout for incidents.