
Latest Social News

Increase of 300% in Traffic Violation Fines

300% increase in traffic violation finesSimultaneously with serious economic challenges faced by…


Opal Commercial Complex Sealed

Opal commercial complex was sealedOpal commercial complex in Tehran, despite receiving multiple…


Scamming through SMS with the pretext of modesty and hijab in Qom

SMS Scamming with a Modesty and Hijab Scheme in QomThe head of…


Several Iranian celebrities’ business units shut down by the media

Several Iranian celebrities' businesses have been shut down by the authoritiesAccording to…


We witness the populist actions of the Ministry of Industry by the representative of Urmia in the parliament

We, the representative of Urmia in the parliament, witness the populist actions…


You, Yalda Aghafazli, took the eyes of Iranian children for freedom

You, Yalda Aghafazli's father, took the eyes of Iranian children for their…


Japan’s Government Plan to Address Labor Shortages

Japan's government plan to address labor shortageThe Japanese government has unveiled its…


The President of Tehran University Resigns, University Environment is the Topic of the Day

The president of Tehran University emphasized the importance of morality in the…


Possibility of closure of Opal Shopping Complex

Possibility of closure of Opal Shopping ComplexFollowing the expansion of women removing…


Widespread labor strikes in various industries in Iran

Widespread workers' strikes in various industries in IranContinuing the expansion of workers'…
