Latest Social News
We confirm the killing of a 2-year-old child by police shooting
We confirm the killing of a 2-year-old child by police gunfire.The law…
Representative of the Parliament Seeks Revenge for the February 22nd Demonstration
The representative of the parliament says the poisonings are for revenge for…
Poisoning of Students in Arak
Poisoning of students in ArakThe director of the health and treatment network…
Poisoning Continues in Kermanshah
Poisonings continue in KermanshahAccording to informed sources, following the series of student…
Member of the Central Council of the Mutual Party: Unproven Poisonings Only Exist on Social Media
The poisoning of members of the Islamic Coalition Party's Central Council is…
Poisoning of several students in Tabriz schools
Poisoning of a number of students in Tabriz schoolsA number of female…
Students of a prominent school in Karaj have been poisoned
Students at the prominent school in Karaj have suffered from poisoning.Following the…
Poisoning of students in Islamshahr Alborz
Poisoning of students in Islam Abad AlborzSeveral students in the Islam Abad…
Poisoning of female students in two schools in Hamedan
Poisoning of female students in two schools in HamadanThe spokesperson for Hamadan…