Prosecutors in Borujerd and Qom were assigned to investigate poisonings
The prosecutors of Borujerd and Qom have been assigned to investigate the…
27 Refugees’ Bodies Discovered
27 refugees found deadFollowing the overturning of a refugee-carrying boat, the bodies…
A member of the Health Commission of the Parliament says poisoning of students is intentional
A member of the Health Commission of the Parliament deliberately poisons students.Homaion…
There is no flight to Ahvaz
There is no flight to Ahvaz.The representative of Ahvaz in the parliament…
Traffic police is not deterrent to driving offenses
Traffic police are not deterrents.The head of traffic police has instructed his…
Wearing a mask in pharmacies has become mandatory
Wearing masks in pharmacies became mandatoryThe Food and Drug Organization has issued…
Twelve human rights activists demand the release of Kassra Nouri
Twelve human rights activists demand the release of Kasra Nouri.The statement states…
The situation is critical and victorious
The situation is critically dire.The head of the central veterinary hospital stated…
Fire in a building on Bahar Street, Tehran
Fire in a building on Bahar Street, TehranThe spokesperson for the Tehran…
The strike of the workers in Nishkar Haft Tapeh
Strike of Seven Hills Sugar WorkersThe union of Seven Hills Sugar workers…