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This morning, the earth shook in Ashkhabad, South Khorasan

Early this morning, the earth shook in Eshqabad, South Khorasan.Early this morning,…


Five out of every ten young Iranians are seeking to emigrate

Out of every ten young Iranians, five are looking to migrate.According to…


Mohammad Javad Azari Jahromi: The Value of Cinema Lies in Being Honest in Human Life Narratives

Mohammad Javad Azari Jahromi believes the value of cinema lies in being…


At Least 40% of the Country’s Poultry Farms Are Currently Empty

At least 40% of the country's poultry farms are currently empty.Shahin Makouei,…


Government’s Preparations for Dissolution of the Institute for the Intellectual Development of Children

Government's Preparations for Dissolving the Institute for the Intellectual Development of Children…


Residents of Underprivileged Areas in the Capital to Receive Free Insurance

Residents of underprivileged areas of the capital will be insured for free.Dr.…


Death of 4 Iranian Pilgrims in Iraq

Death of 4 Iranian Pilgrims in IraqThe head of the Red Crescent…


Request by Faculty Members to Leave the Country, Says Head of Tarbiat Modares University

The President of Tarbiat Modares University on faculty members' requests to leave…


Tehran University Professor Defends Government Policy on Flour and Bread

Defense by a Tehran University professor of the government's policy on flour…


Special Police Patrols Begin Operations in Tehran Today

Special police patrols started operating in Tehran today.General Ghasem Rezaei, the deputy…
