Special US Sanctions Against Iran
The US Department of the Treasury, in a statement referencing the 40th day since the tragic death of Mahsa Amini at the hands of the Guidance Patrol of the Iranian police, has announced the imposition of new and special sanctions against Iranian individuals and organizations.
In this sanctions program, various officials across Iran who are in charge of managing different organizations and structures have been targeted.
Senior officers of the Revolutionary Guard, prison officials across the country, especially in Kurdistan province, and security officials managing cyber activities have been sanctioned. Events in Sistan and Baluchestan province have been given a special section in the Treasury’s statement, with senior administrative officials of the province and the high-ranking commander of the Revolutionary Guard in Sistan and Baluchestan included in the sanctions list.
This particular development indicates an interesting aspect of the US sanctions study structure, which has identified the intermediate administrative, political, and law enforcement structures of Iran through various methods.