The fate of the car import case has become like the JCPOA
It has been announced for months that car imports are supposed to resume, but there is still no news
Last year, protests over the low quality and high price of domestic cars led the parliament to intervene, allowing the government to open the door for imports with new legislation
After that, the task of drafting the import regulations was assigned to the Ministry of Industry, Mines, and Trade, and this is where the process got stuck
According to Ebrahim Raisi’s order, the import ban was supposed to be lifted by the end of June at the latest, but now that the fifth month of the year is also coming to an end, there is still no news of the regulation’s approval
Tejarat News reported that it seems the story of foreign cars entering Iran has met the same fate as the JCPOA negotiations, as no one knows when it will end
On one hand, the Ministry of Industry, Mines, and Trade announces the registration of foreign car orders, while on the other hand, the Central Bank, due to a shortage of foreign currency reserves and the potential increase in the dollar’s price, holds the flag of opposition to car imports