The leader of the Islamic Republic says the flag of the Islamic Republic is the flag of justice and spirituality.
Ali Khamenei, in a meeting with participants of the Seventh Assembly of the World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought, mentioned that in various pilgrimages, whether to Imam Hussein or to Imam Reza, you emphasize the inheritance of these great figures from the prophets, saying ‘Peace be upon you, O inheritor of Abraham, the friend of God; Peace be upon you, O inheritor of Moses, the speaker of God.’
This flag of the Islamic Republic is the same flag, it is the flag of the Imams, it is the flag of the prophets, and the inscription on this flag is these two words: justice and spirituality. When you raise the flag of justice and spirituality, it is natural in a world whose behavior is based on force and whose thinking is based on materialism, meaning exactly the opposite.
Justice and the opposite of spirituality provoke reactions. Some people tell us that with certain words and actions and decisions, you have created enemies. No, we have created enemies by raising the flag of the Islamic Republic. We have created enemies by presenting the divine decrees.
The opposition and confrontation of the world of arrogance and the world of domination with the movement of the Republic is a natural and inevitable matter. 1401/6/12