Legal action will be taken against teacher bloggers by the Ministry of Education
The Deputy Minister of Education, referring to legal action against teacher bloggers in public and private schools, said the Ministry of Education has dealt with several of these individuals and they have been removed from the system.
Pourthani stated about the actions of teacher bloggers that a student is not a tool; rather, we are a tool for the growth of students. A teacher blogger who uses a student as a means to gain followers on social media has learned nothing about education and has forgotten the main mission of teaching and education.
He continued that in the discussion of the activities of teacher bloggers, we must act in two areas. First, the restrictive area, where the Ministry of Education has dealt with several pseudo-teachers through the ruling of the Administrative Violations Review Board, and these individuals have been removed from the system. The action against teacher bloggers has been in both public and private schools, and any teacher who forgets the dignity of a teacher or the mission of the prophets and uses students as a means will be dealt with.
The Deputy of Education and Culture of the Ministry of Education stated that the second area is positive or cultural actions. We must make students aware of their role in cyberspace and increase their information in the field of artificial intelligence and media literacy so that they themselves do not allow themselves to become the tools of these individuals.