The Revolutionary Plaintiffs Council has begun its work.
A group of families of plaintiffs informed about the establishment of the Revolutionary Plaintiffs Council. In their first announcement on Monday, February 24th, this newly formed group stated that our loved ones have been killed over the past 44 years by the Islamic dictatorial regime on charges of dissent. We have lost our loved ones in the fight against tyranny, while we have not found any fair authority or court to seek justice for them in the past four decades.
In their continuation of the announcement, the families of the plaintiffs wrote that they are not only demanding justice for the killed ones inside Iran, but they also want the will of the nation to prevail with the realization of freedom, democracy, and respect for human rights in Iran.
The families of the plaintiffs requested support from governments, politicians, international organizations, the United Nations, parliaments, and public opinion worldwide to support the democratic revolution of the Iranian people and recognize it officially.