The White House had warned Russia about the possibility of a terrorist attack a month ago.
The White House stated that it had warned Russia about the possibility of a terrorist attack a month ago.
In response to the terrorist attack in Russia, the United States stated that it had previously informed Russia of the occurrence of such a major attack.
The White House has said that in early March, it warned Russian officials about a possible terrorist attack at large public gatherings.
Adrienne Watson, spokesperson for the U.S. National Security Council, stated in response to the incident that in early March, the U.S. government released information about a planned terrorist attack in Moscow at gatherings and public places, specifically concert halls, and shared this information with Russian officials.
Watson has said that President Joe Biden’s administration followed the longstanding policy of the duty to warn, which involves alerting other countries if there is information about specific threats to kidnap or kill multiple people in those countries.