The mask saves Trump
The recent political behavior and media coverage of Trump in the past few days, especially after his press conference, have been deeply concerning for his supporters and more importantly for his party officials.
His statements at that press conference, along with his continuous lies at a large Montana rally and his ongoing insults and ugly remarks about Harris, Warren, and other Democrats, Trump has been so envious of the huge crowds at Harris’ rallies that this envy and resentment overflowed and he considered the images posted on social media of the rally as fake and artificially created.
The famous journalist Mark Halperin mentioned in his recent article that Trump’s claim was so childish and disgusting that even completing a paragraph to report this claim was difficult for him. It was just a few days ago that it was announced Elon Musk would interview Trump on his former Twitter account.
This conversation is supposed to be broadcast on Trump’s own account on this social network. It is unclear what role Musk has in helping Trump. However, it must be said that Musk has distanced himself from all the chaos of extremists, racists, and supporters of conspiracy theories.
He, who has shown solidarity with extremists by supporting doubts about the integrity of the American election, spreading lies about illegal immigrants, supporting racist British insurgents, and other issues, even reposted a fake video about Harris, must do something to save Trump from the current situation.