Trump’s reaction to Putin’s remarks: I have a good relationship with Putin, but he doesn’t want me
Donald Trump responded to the remarks of the Russian President, who considered Joe Biden, the current President of the United States, as the favored candidate in the presidential elections of this country.
Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia, explicitly named Biden, the current President of the United States, as the better candidate for Russia in response to a question about which US presidential candidate would be better for Russia.
According to Sputnik News Agency, Donald Trump, the former President of the United States and the leading Republican candidate in the 2024 elections, said during his campaign in South Carolina: This is a compliment and devotion. I have a good relationship with Putin, but he doesn’t want me.
He added, many people say, ‘Oh my God, how bad this is,’ but I say, ‘No, this is fine.’ Biden is good for Russia because he gives everything, including Ukraine, to this country as a gift.
The Russian President, in response to the controversial issue of Biden’s dementia, which has recently been widely covered in various media, said: When I met him three years ago in Switzerland, I saw no signs of it in him.