Tag: اسلام

Statement by Iran’s Ghalibaf in Crucial Moments

Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf's statement has been placed in a decisive moment for…


Communicate the real Islam of Jamileh Alm Alhadi from the perspective of leadership and presidency to the world

Jamileh Elm al-Hadi should convey the true Islam from the perspective of…


Conservative Newspaper Complains About Election Participation Situation: Friday’s Disaster Wasn’t Unexpected

A conservative newspaper's complaint about the voter turnout disaster on Friday was…


Mohammad Sadr bankrupts banks with a bill on chastity and hijab

Mohammad Sadr says that the modesty and hijab bill will bankrupt the…


Celebrating Norouz is Forbidden

Celebrating Nowruz is prohibitedUnfortunately, most Islamic countries have forgotten about the Gaza…


The deputy head of the Experts Assembly should make the Leader’s words the cornerstone of their work

The vice president of the Assembly of Experts should make the leader's…


The Secretary of the Command to Good and Forbidding Evil: The Chador is an Iranian Gift to Islam

The secretary of the Amr bil Maroof Foundation was the gift of…


Mohammad Javad Larijani on Islam, we cannot have a referendum on it

Mohammad Javad Larijani says we cannot have a referendum on Islam.While opposition…


From the Parliament to the Leader’s House

From the House of Representatives to the Leader's HouseAccording to Iran Gate,…
