Tag: اعتراض

Iran’s Oil King and Managing Millions of Dollars from London

The Oil King of Iran and Managing Millions of Dollars from LondonThe…


Execution of Jamshid Sharmahd, Iranian-German Citizen

Execution of Jamshid Sharmahd, an Iranian-German citizenFollowing the execution of Jamshid Sharmahd,…


Britain Stands Against Racism

Britain rises against racismWhile riots and racist demands of British racists had…

Alireza Sarfarazi

Several Branch Members Removed from Voting in Gilan Due to Bias Towards Candidate

Some members of the branches in Gilan were dismissed for favoring a…


Akhoondi Commission Investigates 45-Second Ad, Gives Me the Opportunity to Defend

Mr. Akhundi gave me a 45-second opportunity to defend myself in the…


Narges Mohammadi sentenced to another year in prison by the Revolutionary Court

Narges Mohammadi has been sentenced to another year in prison by the…


Spokesperson of the Judiciary, Tataloo, has objected to the initial verdict

The spokesperson of the judiciary has protested the initial verdict against Tataloo.The…


Spokesperson of the Guardian Council: There is no possibility of objecting to disqualifications in the presidential election

The spokesperson of the Guardian Council stated that there is no possibility…


Statement of Teachers in Protest against the Decree of Mohammad Rasulaff, This Decree is Medieval and Should be Revoked

Teachers' statement protesting the verdict against Mohammad Rasoulof, this verdict is medieval…


Some political and cultural figures demand the release of Kianoush Mehtari and Anisha Asadollahi

Some political and cultural figures have demanded the release of Kianoush Mehrdad…
