Serial Poisonings Reached at Least 7 Other Schools
Serial poisonings have reached at least seven other schools.Suspected gas poisonings in…
The Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution will soon introduce the causes of poisoning
The Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution will soon identify the causes…
Minoo Mahrez is definitely in the middle of Sam’s foot
Mino Mohraz is definitely in the middle of the snake.Mino Mohraz, an…
Bijan Abdolkarimi’s Project is Poisoning Israel’s Work
Bijan Abdolkarimi says that the poisoning incident is the work of Israel.Bijan…
Poisoning of 700 Khuzestani students in one day
Poisoning of 700 students in Khuzestan in one dayThe Deputy of Treatment…
Poisoning of Female Students in Urmia
Poisoning of female students in UrmiaSome female students residing in a dormitory…
Representative of the Parliament Seeks Revenge for the February 22nd Demonstration
The representative of the parliament says the poisonings are for revenge for…
Poisoning of Students in Arak
Poisoning of students in ArakThe director of the health and treatment network…
Poisoning Continues in Kermanshah
Poisonings continue in KermanshahAccording to informed sources, following the series of student…