Tag: رئیس قوه قضائیه

Unexpected Cabinet

Unexpected CabinetThroughout these days, many media outlets and a portion of society…


Raisi supports corrupt minister

Raisi supports corrupt minister.Raisi, supporter of corrupt minister, condemns the minister, accusing…


The head of the judiciary wants the enemy to succeed by fading the veil

The head of the judiciary wants the enemy to succeed by downplaying…


The Chief of the Judiciary: Many Iranians living abroad are eager to return

The Chief of the Judiciary says many Iranians living abroad are willing…


Every day, the head of the judicial branch of the Islamic Republic creates a rumor about someone and publishes it

The head of the judiciary of the Islamic Republic of Iran creates…


The High Defensive Wall of the Islamic Republic Against Hijab

The tall defensive wall of the Islamic Republic against the hijabAccording to…

Amir Pasandepour