The End of an Era: Professor Superstitions
End of the era of superstition masterBeginning of the downfallAt the end…
Battle After Defeat
Battle after defeatThe battle after the defeat in the presidential election of…
Jalil Mohibi Raifipour did not accept my request for a debate
Jalil Mohammadi Ra'ifipur did not accept my request for a debate.In his…
Dispute Over a Seat
Struggle for a SeatThe struggle for a seat in the second round…
Family Dispute Among Principlists Over Top Listing
The Stability Front Compromises with Qalibaf's LeadershipThe internal conflict among conservatives over…
The difference between sectarianism and friendship with friends, according to Kalibaf’s consultant to Raifipur
The carpet consultant considers this sectarianism as a calculation with some friends.In…