Tag: فساد نفت و پتروشیمی

Who was responsible for the closure of the Iranian Exchange Association?

Who was responsible for the closure of the Iran Exchange Center?According to…

Saeed Aganji

From Marjan Al Agha’s steadfastness to violent overthrow

Marjan Al-Agha from the Stability Front to Violent OverthrowMarjan Al-Agha, according to…


The picture of the twenty million dollar bill of the Shemkhaniha on the people’s table

A twenty million dollar bill of the Shemkhaniha family is on the…


What happened to the unintended neighbor in Evin, the fate of the partner of the spy Jalayer Khalili?

What happened to the unintended neighbor in Evin who became a spy…

Saeed Aganji

Who is Mohammad Bahmaei? Petrochemical Mafia Corruption Part 2

In less than two years after Mohammad Bahmaei's employment, a high-ranking residence…

Saeed Aganji