Tag: فقر

The Shadow of Poverty Over the People

The Shadow of Poverty Over the PeopleThe Shadow of Poverty Over the…


Why Did Trump Turn to Foreign Aid

Why did Trump turn to foreign aid?Why did Trump turn to foreign…


The Trap of Foolish Policymakers for Wise Policymakers

The Trap of Foolish Policymakers for Wise PolicymakersThe Trap of Foolish Policymakers…


Society’s Apathy is a Warning

The passivity of society is a warning.The passivity of society is a…


Global Poverty Index Report: Two-Thirds of Afghans Were Poor Over the Past Two Years

Global Poverty Index report: Two-thirds of Afghans were poor over the past…


Transparency is the essence of democracy in people’s lives

Transparency is the essence of democracy in people's lives.The lack of democratic…

Alireza Sarfarazi

Seven Kurdish Porters Killed and Injured by Direct Shooting of Border Guards

Seven Kurdish porters were killed and injured by direct shooting by border…


The Hard Mission of Doctors at Pasteur

The challenging mission of physicians at PasteurThe challenging mission of physicians at…


Salman Safavi’s warning about the consequences of voting for Jalili is more poverty and misery on the way

Salman Safavi warns of increased poverty and misery due to Jalili's presidency.Dr.…


The Necessities of a Standard Election

The necessities of a standard electionThe necessities of a standard election are…
