Brutal Attack by Plainclothes Agents on Protesters
Brutal attack by plainclothes officers towards protestersBrutal attack by plainclothes officers towards…
The University Was Drenched in Blood
The university was bloodiedThe university was bloodied: An attack on students at…
Presence of Officials and Security Forces at Sharif University
Presence of officials and security forces at Sharif UniversityPresence of officials and…
Special Unit Attack on University of Tehran and Sharif
Special Forces Raid on Tehran and Sharif UniversitiesSpecial Forces Raid on Tehran…
University of Tehran Gathering
University of Tehran GatheringStudents of Shiraz University gather as the nationwide student…
Ferdowsi University of Mashhad Student Gathering
Gathering of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad StudentsThe gathering of Ferdowsi University of…
Gathering of Shiraz University Students
Gathering of Shiraz University StudentsThe gathering of Shiraz University students is part…
Black Friday for Zahedan
Black Friday for ZahedanToday was Black Friday for Zahedan. The people of…