The Necessity of Joining FATF for Iran’s Economy
The necessity of Iran joining FATF for its economyThe necessity of Iran…
The US job market influenced by election politics and stock market players’ game
The US job market is under the influence of election policies and…
This Time the Mystic’s Silence Breaks
This time, the mystic's silence prevails.This time, the mystic's silence prevails on…
Iran Envious of Saudi Arabia’s Successes
Iran is envious of Saudi Arabia's successes.Iran is envious of Saudi Arabia's…
Iran’s Statistical Center data indicates an increase in unemployment rate
The data from the Statistical Center of Iran indicates an increase in…
The science of guidance can be considered as a prominent factor in reducing inflation
Ahmad Alamolhoda can be considered successful in the field of non-oil production…
The Status of Inflation Index in Iran
The Status of the Inflation Index in IranOfficial international statistics indicate that…
What did the Gaza war do to the Palestinian economy?
What did the Gaza war do to the Palestinian economy?According to a…
New Achievement in Raisi’s Five-Year Foreign Trade Backwardness
New achievement in the five-year backward foreign trade of the head of…
World Bank’s Prediction of Iran’s Economy – Part 1
World Bank's prediction of Iran's economyAccording to Iran Gate, experts and analysts…