Tag: وزارت کشور

What is the Reality of Afghan Immigrant Statistics

What is the reality of Afghan migrant statistics?What is the reality of…


Street Demonstrations or the Legal Right to Protest

Street Demonstration or Legal Right to ProtestStreet Demonstration or Legal Right to…


Pressure from Representatives on the Government for Appointments

Pressure from Representatives on the Government for AppointmentsPressure from representatives on the…


Warning to the Minister of Interior

Warning to the Minister of InteriorThe Minister of Interior is preparing to…


Murder at the Police Station

Murder at the outpostThe murder at the outpost on Thursday, 7th of…


Account Letter

StatementThe remarks of Mr. Pezeshkian, the Minister of Interior, during the introduction…


Challenging Neighborhood

Challenging NeighborhoodAccording to the 2022 report of the UNHCR, for the seventh…


Concerns of Reformists about Cabinet Introduction

Reformists' concerns about the introduction of the cabinetReformists' concerns about the introduction…


Approximately 42,000 Ukrainians are registered as missing persons

Around 42,000 Ukrainians are registered as missing.Since the beginning of the war…

Ministry of Interior: Thousands of Medical Professionals Arrested for Terrorist Activities

The Ministry of Interior has announced that a number of terrorist elements…
