Tag: کشف حجاب

The Chief of Kurdistan Judiciary Branch Launches a Special Unit for Unveiling Cases

The head of the judiciary in Kurdistan province is launching a special…


Even the Minister of Interior’s security deputy is not opposed to implementing the hijab plan, not even one person

The deputy security minister of the country stated that not even one…


Banikpoor, representative of the parliament, has been fined for not wearing hijab

Baniqipur, the representative of the parliament, has reached a conclusion regarding the…


The Friday Prayer Leader of Rasht: Ramadan is an opportunity for those who unveil the veil to repent

The Friday prayer leader of Rasht mentioned that the month of Ramadan…


Newspaper of Azad University Fined Three Million for Real Hijab

The newspaper of the Islamic Azad University is actually fined three million…


The Judiciary considers the crime of unveiling as a grade eight offense

The judiciary considers the crime of unveiling as a grade eight offense.The…


Insulting Ahmadinejad in Tehran’s Friday Prayer, Unveiled Lady is Sick

Insulting Ahmad Khatami in Tehran Friday prayers, saying the unveiled lady is…


Issuance of a Judicial Order for the Treatment of Mental Illness and Hijab-Free Lifestyle

Issuance of a judicial order for the treatment of a mental illness…
