Tag: یوسف نوری

Muslim Communists are Fighting Inflation: Part One

Muslim Communists are smoothing the road of inflation - Part 1Yaser Jabrayili…


Minister of Education Identifies Individuals Responsible for Teacher Salary Payment Issues

The Minister of Education has identified the individuals responsible for the problems…


Possible dismissal of the Minister of Education

Possible dismissal of the Minister of EducationSome members of parliament and government…


Iran’s Minister of Education Introduced as Poisoning Students

The Minister of Education of Iran has been accused of poisoning ill-behaved…


Yousef Nouri, Minister of Education, Chinese Language to be Taught from 1403

Yousef Nouri, the Minister of Education, announced that Chinese will be taught…


Yousef Nouri, Minister of Education: The Age of Single Women in Our Country Has Become Terrifying

Yousef Nouri, Minister of Education, said the age of singleness among women…


Minister of Education wants to suggest that the Islamic Republic has done nothing for women

The Minister of Education wants to imply that the Islamic Republic has…


Education Becomes Political

Education becomes politicalYousef Nouri, Iran's Minister of Education, announced the creation of…
