Fatal Collision of Student Bus with Truck in Brazil
Deadly Collision of a Student Bus with a Truck in BrazilAccording to…
Serbian Prime Minister Resigned
The Prime Minister of Serbia resignedAfter weeks of protests in Serbia, the…
Why Twitter is Important
Why Twitter is importantWhy Twitter is importantMany civil and political activists, researchers,…
The Future of Iran with Generation Z
The Future of Iran with Generation ZThe future of Iran with Generation…
The Executive Mechanism for the Return to Study of Deprived Students Announced
The executive mechanism for the return of students who were deprived of…
Extremists are at work
Extremists are at workExtremists are at work. It is necessary to remind…
Parliamentary Candidates with Fake Degrees
Parliamentary Candidates with Fake DegreesThe Tehran Prosecutor's Office ordered the General Directorate…
Minister of Economy Removes Requirement of End of Service Card for Obtaining Business License
The Minister of Economy has removed the requirement of military service completion…
Student Movements in Iran and America
Student Movements in Iran and AmericaThe topic of student protests in America…
Davood Younesian from Iran University of Science and Technology is ready to accept expelled American and European students
Davood Younesian, the president of Iran University of Science and Technology, is…