The Secretary-General of the Islamic Coalition Party in the Islamic Republic of Iran states that we do not have any suppressive regime at all.
Bazargan was a merchant who would have become the Prime Minister if he wasn’t an Imam.
Clubhouse belongs to the reformists and Farid Madresi is its leader.
We do not have any suppressive regime in the Islamic Republic at all; we have an enlightening system.
Assadollah Badamchian, the Secretary-General of the Islamic Coalition Party, emphasizes that we do not have any suppressive regime in the Islamic Republic; we have an enlightening system. Therefore, you can see that you have complete freedom to ask whatever you want and I will answer whatever I want.
He believes that we must appreciate our system, a system in which we all live and which provides security. We put an end to the 1401 sedition plan and disturbances through planning, martyrdom, and eliminating its leaders and supporters.
These same individuals with their level of nobility and theoretical knowledge are influential in the revolutionary movement and major decisions of the nation.
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