The pressure on female artists and the resistance of the artistic community continue as a result of the meeting between the Central Council of Directors and a number of women in cinema.
Following the recent meeting between the new Central Council of the Cinema Directors Guild and several female actors who are facing legal cases due to their protest against compulsory hijab and are on the verge of being banned from working, reactions to the Islamic Republic’s attempts to shut down independent Iranian cinema and punish artists who supported the people’s protests last year persist.
Various government agencies, from the judiciary to the Cinema Organization and the Ministry of Guidance, the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution, and the Radio and Television Organization, have put pressure on these artists in various ways in recent months.
The formation of legal cases against female actors who have appeared in public without compulsory hijab, the transfer of exclusive monitoring rights over the production and distribution of home entertainment products to the Radio and Television Organization, and the threatening letters sent by the Cinema Organization to Iranian filmmakers to not collaborate with artists who have been accused of violating compulsory hijab are some examples of these coordinated actions.
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