Ali Daei, why don’t we build a stadium to uphold the country’s sports reputation?
Ali Daei, a former national team player, said in an interview with Tabnak that our Iran is incredibly rich in every aspect you can imagine, with mines and natural resources, a unique country with a four-season nature.
It has rich reserves of gas, oil, iron, gold, copper, and more.
But unfortunately, none of it reaches the tables of the people in this country.
Why don’t we build a stadium to uphold the country’s sports reputation and be able to host important games?
He continued, saying that if at some point the tourism industry in Iran is managed better and more freely, believe me, we won’t even need oil and gas revenue.
While we are among the top countries with the most oil and gas resources in the world, you see that there are many problems for people in accessing gas, water, and electricity. A fundamental solution must be found for all these issues.
Daei concluded by saying we should get rid of the thoughts of, for example, hosting the Asian Cup.
The wish for these things remains in all our hearts.
Saudi Arabia builds the best and most complete stadiums in less than a few months and becomes the host of the World Cup.
You see their stadiums and you enjoy them.