Mehdi Pazouki: The President doesn’t know how to do anything for the economy
Mehdi Pazouki, an economist, says that even among the conservatives, there are respectable economic figures like Dr. Danesh Jafari, who is not willing to give in and stood against Ahmadinejad’s unprofessional remarks, or Dr. Rahbar. However, we see instead of reasonable figures, some confused and inexperienced young people are appointed under the guise of being ‘Jihadi managers’ and the like, and they have brought the people’s livelihood to this state.
Our economy is held hostage by politics. If the JCPOA had reached a conclusion and negotiations had led to the lifting of sanctions, it would have certainly been a relief for the current economic fires.
Currently, homeowners are delighted by the significant rise in housing prices, while renters have suffered greatly from this trend. Which part of these economic processes benefits the impoverished people and aligns with Hojatoleslam Raisi’s slogans? The President wants to do something for the economy but doesn’t know how.