Now is not the time to continue nuclear negotiations.
A recent interview with Hillary Clinton by Christiane Amanpour, which was significant mainly due to her remarks about Russia and its aggression crisis in Ukraine, has topped the news in Persian-language media due to her specific view on Iran and the current state of public protests. However, there has been a misunderstanding of her statements.
Hillary, as the former U.S. Secretary of State during whose tenure U.S.-Iran interactions were shaped by the formation of special sanctions during the Obama era and the efforts of her administration to compel Iran to negotiate and limit its nuclear program, has experience dealing with public protests following the electoral fraud in 2009.
In her interview, emphasizing the importance of the JCPOA and the irreparable damage Trump did to the process of controlling Iran’s nuclear program, she stated that given the current situation and the efforts of the Iranian people to claim their rights, if she were the decision-maker, she would not negotiate with Iran about anything at this moment. She said that at a time when people are standing against the oppression of the Iranian regime, it is not right to openly show an effort to reach an agreement and understanding with Iran.