The Secretary-General of the Stability Front called for an alliance of principlist candidates
Sadegh Mahsouli, the Secretary-General of the Stability Front, has called for an alliance among principlist candidates and for them to step aside in favor of each other.
Mr. Mahsouli urged the candidates, whom he described as revolutionary, to focus on safeguarding the authentic revolutionary movement by reaching a consensus against their reactionary, pro-Western rivals, and to strongly avoid potential destructive actions and intra-discourse competition.
He told Fars News Agency that the country is currently in a very special situation, and it is possible that a kind of regression and return to Western-dependent thoughts could occur, which generally belittle the national will and the great capabilities of the Iranian nation, reducing them to making simple dishes like ‘abgoosht bozbas’.
It seems Mr. Mahsouli’s reference is to the remarks made by Akbar Torkan, an advisor to Hassan Rouhani in his government, who said, ‘Let’s be honest with ourselves, apart from cooking ‘abgoosht bozbas’ and ‘ghormeh sabzi’, we have no industrial technology superiority over the world.’