The fine for employing unauthorized foreign nationals has been set at approximately 1 million tomans per day.
The Directorate General of Employment of Foreign Nationals at the Ministry of Cooperatives, Labor, and Social Welfare, through a directive, has set the new fine for employers who use the services of unauthorized foreign nationals without a work permit at about 12 million tomans per day.
The easy presence and employment of foreign nationals in Iran, especially nationals from Afghanistan, is an issue that has become an undeniable reality and a serious problem in the country’s labor market over the past few decades. Iranian workers believe that employers hire foreign workers to make their working conditions easier.
According to labor law, foreign nationals who lack a work permit, temporary work permit, or temporary work card are not allowed to work in the country, and if they do, their employer will be considered in violation and will be fined.
Based on this directive, pursuant to Clause C of Article 11 of the Law on the Regulation of Part of the Government’s Financial Regulations, and according to the recent resolution of the Supreme Labor Council regarding the determination of the minimum daily wage in the year 1403, the fine for employers who use the services of unauthorized foreign nationals without a work permit is set at 11,943,640 rials per day of unauthorized employment, which will be doubled in case of repeated violations.