Probability of ending the 8-year war in Yemen
A Saudi-Omani delegation is scheduled to travel to Sana’a, the capital of Yemen, next week to reach a permanent ceasefire agreement with Houthi authorities and end the eight-year war in the country. Two individuals involved in the negotiations have reported this news.
These sources say that if an agreement is reached, the warring factions in Yemen can announce this agreement before Eid al-Fitr, which begins on April 20th.
According to sources, the discussion revolves around the complete reopening of Yemen’s ports and airports, cost-sharing for public services, and the process of reconstruction and policy change.
The internationally recognized government, in this regard, stated that as further signs of progress, the Arab coalition has lifted the eight-year restrictions on imports to the southern ports of Yemen.
This comes after the easing of restrictions in February for imported commercial goods to the port of Hodeidah, the main port under Houthi control in Yemen.
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