Confrontation between an undercover officer and denial by the authorities
Yesterday, on the 10th of Esfand, a video was circulated on social media platforms which received a lot of feedback. In this video, it is claimed to be related to the gathering of parents of students from the 13 Aban School in Tehransar. An undercover officer is seen using violence and pulling the hair of a student’s mother in an attempt to arrest her.
The release of this video has sparked anger among users on social networks. Some users have identified the undercover officer by sharing a name and are demanding punishment for him.
On Friday, the 11th of Esfand, the Entekhab website reported, quoting a spokesperson for the authorities, that the police had no role in this incident.
The spokesperson’s office claims that immediately after the release of this video, officers were dispatched to investigate, and the investigations by the intelligence officers of this institution have shown that the police personnel had no direct or indirect involvement in that incident.