Formation of teams to deal with hijab violators
According to Iranian media, Mohammad Mousavian, the prosecutor of Isfahan province, announced that a memorandum of understanding has been signed between the judiciary, the Revolutionary Guards, and the Department of Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice in the province to deal with those who do not observe mandatory hijab in public places.
Mr. Mousavian also announced the establishment of special branches in the judiciary to deal with those he referred to as hijab violators.
The prosecutor of Isfahan province also mentioned about trade units, stating that any trade units that do not comply with Islamic affairs, whether they are involved in hijab violations or provide services to violators, will face serious consequences.
In the past months, after nationwide protests in Iran, while government pressures to enforce mandatory hijab have significantly increased, many women and men have used various methods to confront it.
Including publishing photos of women without hijab in public places and men wearing shorts in public areas.
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