The population of Iran has exceeded 85 million people.
According to the Iranian Statistical Center, the population of Iran has surpassed 85 million people.
Ali Akbar Mohzoon, the director of the Population Office at the Iranian Statistical Center, announced to Jomjom newspaper that the country’s elderly population has been growing in recent years.
He stated that the growth rate of the elderly population in the country has been three times the average population growth in recent years, but now the growth rate of the elderly population has reached five times the average population growth.
In recent years, the President of the Islamic Republic and various government agencies in Iran have encouraged childbirth, but at the same time, intensified economic and social problems have made marriage and childbirth difficult for many young people.
Recently, some Iranian citizens have reported adding an amount to their water bill under the title of ‘youth population’, which is applied to high-consumption subscribers.
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