We confirm the killing of a 2-year-old child by police gunfire.
The law enforcement forces and the judicial organization of the armed forces in Isfahan province confirmed that yesterday the police in the city of Varnah, Isfahan, killed a 2-year-old child by shooting at a car.
Earlier, in separate reports, 1,500 user accounts and Telegram channels of the civil protest market announced that on Friday a mother and father with their young twins were moving when a truck belonging to a special unit swerved in front of them and the driver thought they were asleep and intended to change his path, but shots were fired towards them and during this shooting, a bullet hit Amir Ali Mousa Kazemi’s head.
According to Rokna News Agency, in the announcement confirming the killing of this child, the police said that the officers in charge of combating drug traffickers stationed on a secondary road in eastern Isfahan stopped a suspicious non-local car with a license plate and gave it a command to stop, but the driver continued on his path and fled.