33 Preliminary Rulings for Sharif University Students Ranging from Written Reprimands to Temporary Suspension from Studies
Hadi Nobahari, the Director General of the President’s Office at Sharif University of Technology, told Mehr News Agency that in connection with recent events, 300 complaints have been received by the disciplinary committee, and so far, 33 preliminary rulings have been issued, while the decisions of the appeals board have not yet been issued.
Mr. Nobahari stated that the issued rulings vary depending on the type of violation, ranging from written warnings and reprimands to temporary suspension from studies for one or two semesters. Some are suspended, some include the academic years, and some do not.
The Mehr report states that in the December 3rd announcement by the university’s board, it was declared that the preliminary rulings issued will be reviewed during the appeals process based on individuals’ adherence to the university’s social charter in both the real and virtual spaces, and actions will be taken accordingly.