Two thousand trees were relocated for the Basij civil project in Tehran city council.
Naser Amani, a member of Tehran city council, says two thousand trees have been relocated as part of the implementation of the Basij civil project in district 14.
Mr. Amani stated on Monday, May 9th, that this action was taken by the contractor. He also mentioned that a significant number of trees were relocated on Seyed Shirazi Highway for the construction of an underpass.
He further criticized the Tehran municipality, questioning whether there are no supervisory bodies within the municipality to oversee this matter.
The reduction of green spaces in the capital is happening while Tehran is one of the cities with the highest air pollution levels, and in recent years, news of cutting down and relocating trees has been published more than creating green spaces.
On the other hand, a city council member’s disclosure about thousands of other trees being relocated has been released, while in recent days, severe criticisms against Tehran Mayor Alireza Zakani have been raised in the Iranian media and online platforms.