The Afghanistan Journalists Center condemns the suspension of the Noor and Bria TV channels by the Taliban.
The Afghanistan Journalists Center considers the suspension of the Noor and Bria TV channels by the Taliban as illegal and aimed at further restricting the activities of free media, and condemns it.
The Afghanistan Journalists Center has demanded the Taliban government to revoke the suspension of these television networks.
The Taliban’s Ministry of Information and Culture announced yesterday that it has decided to halt the broadcast of the Noor and Bria TV channels in Kabul until a court order is issued.
Noor TV is close to Salahuddin Rabbani, the leader of one faction of the Islamic Society, and Bria TV is affiliated with Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, the leader of the Islamic Party, whom the Taliban recently expelled from his residence.
The state-run Bakhtar News Agency reported that this decision was made in a meeting of the Media Violations Assessment Commission at this ministry.
The commission’s statement mentioned that individuals holding licenses for these TV networks are constantly undermining the Taliban regime.
The Afghanistan Journalists Center has stated that what the commission lists as violations by these two media outlets actually fall under the legal rights of the media.