The capital’s detective police asked car manufacturers to equip cars with trackers.
The head of the capital’s detective police said that we have regular meetings with domestic car manufacturers regarding the safety and security of cars, and in these meetings we have asked them to equip cars with trackers.
Commander Ali Vali Poor Goudarzi, on Thursday on the sidelines of a vehicle theft prevention plan exhibition, in a conversation with reporters about improving the safety of cars, added that in his regular meetings with domestic car companies, attended by the Tehran governor as well, they discuss their opinions and perspectives to address the shortcomings of cars. In this regard, the production of some cars that did not have the necessary security and safety features has been stopped.
The head of the detective police of the capital’s law enforcement added that the use of electronic devices and equipment in cars is a good solution to prevent car thefts and can be a good lead to finding the vehicle after theft.