The golden time for physicians is limited.
The golden time for physicians is limited, and the golden time of Masoud, the elected president, is quickly passing.
Sooner or later, with the end of the honeymoon period and the usual formalities related to the electoral victory, it will be time for criticism and opinions about the approach, policies, and team of the fourteenth government.
At that time, not late, physicians will face a wave of public demands, political dominance, and encounters with harmonious and rival factions.
It is at this time that the elected president truly faces a test. Is the approach of physicians and his accompanying team based on the intentions and demands that the voters have followed in their election, or is he indifferent, and perhaps unaware, falling into the trap of pragmatism in fulfilling the role of peacemaker?
The situation where more or less the former presidents ended up quickly under the criticism’s sword is a common occurrence among politicians, where every great achievement until unrealized becomes a dream.
Now, the physician president must not be satisfied with mere initiative; courage to implement reforms is necessary.
In fact, political courage is acting on the promises made to the people.
The President of Physicians appreciates the value of his presence in the government and the established system, as Deng Xiaoping, the architect of China, said: ‘Crossing the river begins with feeling the stones.’
Physicians must maintain their electoral base as much as they maintain their position in the executive branch during electoral competitions against powerful and determined rivals.
The virtue of loyalty to promises and courage in acting upon them is what the elected President must demonstrate. While it is still his honeymoon period, he must make informed decisions by selecting a committed team to realize the ideals of the fourteenth government and maintain the support of the people in the costs and benefits of this approach.
Foreign policy is one of the most crucial and fundamental issues that has plunged the country into the abyss of myriad problems. The problem with foreign policy lies in the incomplete understanding of its concept between rival intellectual and political factions.
Those who consider themselves idealistic have obstructed any reformist approach in foreign policy.
They do not see any meaningful difference between foreign policy and international relations, and in a simplistic view, they consider establishing relations with some distant and nearby governments as the same as foreign policy.
While foreign policy is based on a strategic perspective arising from national interests, which primarily define the national identity of each country in the global anarchic system.
Therefore, in the global society, despite changes in governments, the national policies of countries not only do not change but each government claims to pursue national goals at two levels of interests and security for their people.
Reducing the concept of foreign policy to international relations is a danger that threatens the country’s interests by treating them as gathering all eggs in one basket.
This is the same difference in understanding the concept of foreign policy that has led countries to various problems in securing resources, whether financial, commercial, or facing internal economic instability.
The presidential candidate correctly stood against the proponents of reducing the concept of foreign policy in the election competitions, although he has not yet presented the necessary theoretical frameworks in this regard.
Crossing the concept of foreign relations instead of foreign policy will be a tough task, especially in the face of the institutionalized currents in the country’s political atmosphere. Physicians must demonstrate their courage and honesty in loyalty to their voters. A Roman proverb says fortune always favors the brave; courage, frankness, and honesty are the foundation of physicians in the competition with their tough rivals in the elections.
Virtue will only find its full meaning when loyalty to everything that has been said becomes acceptable to the public. The golden time for the president of physicians quickly passes; politics is not just a possibility, but a matter of will.